There are many different sourdough cultures but they can all be made simply with some flour, water & time. You’ll need about a week or two to grow your starter & the more you look after it (by feeding it), you’ll have a strong & active starter that will reward you with delicious bread.

Note: If you don’t have time to start your own from scratch, you can purchase our 100% organic rye starter flakes that will have you making bread within 24 hours. Please see our Organic Sourdough Starter Flakes


Day 1

In a jar, mix 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius with 15g whole rye flour, then cover & leave in a warm place for 24 hours.


Day 2

There should be a few bubbles, but don’t worry if there aren’t any, it will come. A slight tangy smell is normal. Add 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour, stir until there are no lumps. Cover & leave in warm place for 24 hours.


Day 3

By now, you should start to see a few more tiny bubble, a slightly sweet & tangy smell, possibly acidic vinegar smell. These are all great signs & confirms that your starter is on the right track. Add 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour & stir to combine. Cover & leave in a warm place for 24 hours .


Day 4

Fermentation should well & truly be happening by now, with lots of tiny bubbles. You may notice a stronger smell such as banana or wheat beer. Add 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour, stir to combine. Cover & leave in a warm place for 24 hours.


Day 5

You should see lots of tiny bubbles, notice a stronger smell (sweet & tangy), this should disappear after you feed it. Add 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour, stir to combine. Cover & leave in a warm place for 24 hours.


Day 6

The starter should be very active by now, with a strong, slightly alcoholic smell of fermentation. It should be ready to use, if not add 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour, stir to combine. Cover & leave in a warm place for 24 hours.


Day 7 +

The starter is now ready to use & should have lots of tiny bubbles on the surface & throughout. If not using immediately, discard all but 1 tablespoon for maintenance. Feed this with 20g of water at 26 degrees Celsius & 15g of whole rye flour, stir to combine.

Note: Please head to our Starter Maintenance page for more information on how to keep you starter alive.

Sometimes starters can take longer than 8 days to get going, it will depend on the flour you have used or the environment in which your starter is living in so be patient! One thing to remember is once it gets going, the more you bake with it, the stronger it will become. 

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